Well - its been some time since I've updated my blog. It has been quite a month with Dad being unwell - full of up's and down's, a real roller coaster ride. But that's another story and perhaps some day, I'll tell it but not now.
Tália has been on her gluten and dairy free diet for a month now and so far so good. As a mum its hard to tell whether its the diet working or if Tália is naturally just growing up but I have to say that a few changes have been noted. Firstly, she seems much happier in physio and speech - she no longer cries so much and seems to be genuinely excited and happy. Secondly, she seems to be sturdier on her feet - not walking but standing. Thirdly, she seems to be communicating better - a few more sounds and just an overall awareness and fourthly she seems taller. So all in all a positive step forwards.
We have made the decision to send her to nursery 3 times a week as of January. I have had this itch again that has made me feel as though things need to move forwards again - we cannot stay stuck in our ways. I feel that interaction with other babies and toddlers is what Tali needs and that will give her the inspiration to walk and talk.
I'll find it hard to leave heras I just adore being with her but I need to help her to adapt to society and expose her a bit to the real world. The toddler group has opened my eyes and I have seen how happy she is there. Also in her physio sessions in San Pedro, her cousin, Indy has been coming with us and now Tali loves it - she actually shows off a little to her baby cousin!!
We have also finally received an appointment for a muscle biopsy and are heading for Barcelona mid-Jan. So I hope to continue posting through the next weeks.....