Well where oh where do I begin??? Its been a long time since I've written. After a fabulous July we found ourselves in Liverpool at the begiining of August for the Walking With Giants annual conference. This was absolutely amazing. You can see a slide show on the right handside of the screen. The conference was beautifully organised and focused on families and the importance of families.
I just thought it was incredible and the best thing for my other two daughters as they had a ball with the other siblings. It was important for them to see that they weren't alone - to see other kids like them with young siblings who had some form of short stature. It was emotional. What I loved most was the positiveness that surrounded us. So much hardship that people face, endless hospital visits, tube fed kids and yet these families were so loving, so happy to enjoy the moment and this really was incredible to watch. Everyone was there to make the best of a situation, not the worst.
Unfotunately the rest of August proved difficult for Talia - when we got back she seemed to start teething and she actually lost a bit of weight in August. Luckily, we had a lovely holiday in Portugal at the end of August and this took the pressure off me - my husband and I shared the feeding (which was difficult - since when do kids want to eat when their molars are coming out???). But alas, Talia does have the luxury of beng able to lose weight.
Despite the hiccup in August and a difficult beginning to September, a trip to the UK to check out Tali's hip semed to be just the medicine. I do not know whether it was the change in temperature or her granny and mum's constant attention, but she seemed to pick up again. (Admitedly granny constantly chatted with her and played her favourite game, 'round and round the garden' with her.Well fingers crossed but the last week has just been pretty amazing - Talia seems to be saying her first words - baby, up etc. i just can't believe it. She is also signing a bit. I see such a difference again. The DRs in the UK where so positive so we came back home full of hope - Talia does not need a hip operation at present. Thank God. I was really woried about surgery and setting her back.
Here is a picture of her on a swing today.