Well, its been a while since I last wrote. I have been working behind the scenes as we want to launch ONYOM before the weekend. You will also view this blog on the Onyom site.
Well, we have had a really good month. Tália started nursery and we are about to complete her second week there. She seems to have adapted amazingly and she seems to have really come on in leaps and bounds. Her tactile defensiveness has improved and she can now paint without screaming. Yesterday, she coloured a picture without being forced, all on her own. She can hold her toothbrush on her own and brush her teeth. These may seem like tiny things but they are huge steps for us. Each tiny step is a step closer to her being able to integrate into everyday life. She is very happy in it and so motivated - her speech therapist is just amazed by her progress just from being with other kids.