Well, so much time has passed since I last wrote - the time of the awful swine flu and illnesses Tália faced through November and December. However the last month has been extremely positive and the New Year inspired me to start afresh and throw myself into focusing on Tália's therapies.
My New Year's resolutions are to get her walking, talking but more than anything else keep her healthy and pray that she continues to be the contented and happy girl that we all adore. But as you all know, my life is a roller coaster - I have some of the most amazing days and some frightening days.
Swine flu saw Tália fall back down to 6 kilos (with clothes on) and I have to admit I felt very discouraged. My heart plunged to see the endless hours of work, the hard earned weight just disappear in days. But, amazingly enough, she has miraculously bounced back. When she had swine flu, I really did not know which way my journey would go - where would we end up, how much could Tália's little, tiny body take. So I put off weighing her for a while and then I noticed that she was slightly chubbier - her trousers seemed tighter and my arms felt tired after carrying her for a while. And guess what???? She has passed the 7 kilo mark - yes in 1 month, she not only recuperated her weight but put on the most ever in a month since she was born. I am ecsatic, it is a miracle. It is like the sign I was waiting for to help me with my decision whether to tube feed or not.
I am trying though to take all this in my stride, staying excited but maintaining calm as my life is filled with so many ups and downs that I need to try and stay positive but realistic.
Despite the change in weight though, the last month has seen Tália reach many milestones.
- Tália has learnt how to eat and feed herself using her hands - previously she couldn't pick things up and refused to touch food. I thought I may feed her purees forever but now I get such pleasure out of seeing her digging into her Spanish Omelette and chomping at her chocolate whilst being able to wolf down a Happy Meal.
- Tália's speech - whilst still delayed and no very clear words, she is trying to communicate. Tália is making more sounds and seems to be more switched on.
- Muscle tone - Tália's tone has improved. November and December were terible, she could barely sit but now we have her standing again and I am determined to get her walking. She has been using a machine like a power plate, called vibrosphere, recommended by my incredible physio,Ana Duarte. My in-laws and mum bought the machine for her and she has been on it nearly every single day and the vibrations seemed to have made a real difference to her muscle tone.
-Sleeping in a bedroom with her sister - we no longer have Tália sleeping with us, we finaly had the guts to move her and she sleeps beautifully with her sister. So we have gained some space in our room plus she is closer to being more independent. It is easy to shelter a special needs child, easy to baby one - especially one so miniature - but we want her to feel older and independent.
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