
Saturday, 17 July 2010

Just when everything seems to be going smoothly...

Well, unfortunately Tália had a little accident last Sunday and fell off her potty. The potty is only about 4cm high so when she fell off, I thought nothing of it. I picked her up and calmed her down. However as the day progressed, I got more and more troubled. At first I thought her hip may have come out so I massaged it and did some exercises with her but then we noticed that she couldn't sit up and was wincing with pain. My husband checked her over and we concluded that something seemed wrong with her right shoulder. So we packed the whole family in the car and off we went to the Costa del Sol. We were very sorry to find out that Tália had broken her clavicle. They bandaged her up and we took a very sorry little girl back home.

The last few days, we have been house bound, nursing our little monkey into recovery. Sadly I had to cancel the extra horse therapy sessions I had organised for the Summer. However, Tália has been incredibly brave, laughing whenever distracted and quickly adapting to using her left arm. She has thankfully got back her appetite. Apart from a few problems with bandaging - (she woke up Monday morning purple from the tight bandage and looked really scarily swollen and then she had some sores under her arms) she has been a real star and I am hoping that we will be able to slowly venture out next week.

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Tália Appears on Eye on Spain