
Sunday, 20 May 2007

What is safe to take in Pregnancy

Well its been another weird week. Just as I was getting more energetic and looking forward to enjoing the good weather, I got hit by a terrible bout of flu. I ran a high temperature for 48 hours and struggled to get by on limited remedies that one can take in pregnancy.

Unfortunately antibiotics was the only way to break this virus. I found an excellent site in medication by the way which gives lists of medications or there key ingredients and tells you whether they are safe or not to take in pregnancy.

Well now I'm back on the road to recovery and am taking it very easily indeed. 6 more weeks to go till d-day.

Thankfully I am now recovering at mum's as I had no energy to look after my other two girls too.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Computer Breakdown

I have been unable to update this blog for ages as my hard drive completely went last week. Yes, in fact I was on my way to go and buy a new computer, as my life is dependent on one - supermarket shopping, work emails, holiday forms and cheap phonecalls to name but a few things I use my for. Anyway was about to buy a new one when my Dad called.

He is a computer whiz and somehow managed to salvage my computer - how I just do not know and here I am on my good old trustwothy samsung again.

Just took me a while to get on line again. I tried to connecting to my wireless network at home and after typing in the relevant password, my computer showed that I was connected with excellent signal strength. Despite the latter I just could not get onto the internet or download my emails wirelessly - i had to use a cable connected to the router to be able to get online. This baffled me.

Well, thankfully my Dad came to the rescue again - I think its a bug in the system, it turns out that I put the password in in the wrong letter case and that even though I saw myself as fully connected, I really wasn't.

So all it took was a simple two minutes to re-input the correct network key and voila I am back on line.

What a palava - something so simple takes so long!!!

Tália Appears on Eye on Spain