Well Tália has been doing well - lots of physio, lots of stimulation and just generally having fun. She went to her first Halloween Party dressed as a skeleton with her swimming group. Bless her, she really does make an authentic and cute skeleton - will try to get some pictures.
Despite doing well though, last Saturday she came down with a very high temperature - we are talking around 40 - I tried to keep it down with Calpol but actually finally managed to curb the temperature by giving Talia a homeopathic flu remedy which instantly worked wonders. By Sunday afternoon, she looked herslf again and she has had a good week, albeit the first few days her muscle tone was slightly down. Now this is the weird bit, last night (exactly 1 week after the last episode), her fever shot up again. She looked bleary eyed and her body seemed to radiate heat. What on earth is going on? When she has these bouts I am sure that we are going to rush her to hospital but she seems to fall in and out of them so quickly. So fingers crossed that this time round the fever will disappear quickly.
The homeopathic remedies have really helped me through these bouts. She had one spoon of calpol last night but I soon started using Belladona and the homeopathic flu remedy. It seems to work faster. I have been doing some research on these remedies and am really more and more fascinated by how they take affect. Seeing is believing. I never would have had such faith in these remedies if I hadn't seen direct results. Unfortunately I am one of those people who needs to understand why something works. The book I have on homeopathic remedies is incredible. I have never seen such a detailed guide - it does not just give you a cure for a fever or sore throat but defines the different types first. For example under fevers, under Belladona, this appeared:
(Extract taken from Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants by Daba Ullman)
When children have a sudden onset of high fever with flushed faces and reddened lips, this remedy is the first to consider. These children also tend to have hot heads and cold extremities. The skin is usually so hot, it radiates heat, (you can feel it by placing your hand a couple of inches away from the skin). The fever is a dry heat, without perspiration. The child tends to have a strong and bounding pulse. At night, the temperature gets its highest, making the child agitated, sometimes delirious, perhaps leading her to hallucinate.
The description above precisely describes Tália's symptoms. Tália's inability to convert food into energy always makes me concerned to give her medications. I do not known how strong her liver is - I do not really know what her body can tolerate. Where possible I will try to focus on diet and natural remedies to help her through difficult times. Of course medicine is necessary and sometimes she needs to have it. I just don't believe in extremes. I believe that both allopathic medicine and natural medicine have their place in society and that they should be complimentary to each other.
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