As you know, I am a firm believer of making physio fun. Our therapist, Ana is incredible and always teaches me how to adapt everyday playthings into something that will both be fun for Tália and also give her the physio she needs. We had a tricycle from Imaginarium and she used to sit in it. For the most part, she was reactive. She would sit back, have a rest and let us take her for a ride. At first this was great, just having her hold herself up in the seat was a miracle. However, when Ana saw her, she showed us that by adding velcro to the pedals, or tying her feet on with a bit of ribbon, Tália would not only learn how to pedal but also get the full benefit of exercising whilst out for a walk. Also, she would become reactive andshe would be the one pedalling, holding on to the bars etc. As you can see in the clip below, I was just so excited to see her moving the pedals - also she touches the handle bars. Getting Tália to hold on to handle bars or handles is tough given her tactile defensiveness - she is over-sensitive to the feel of certain materials and things. However in this clip, she just looks like a typical toddler enjoying her cycle with her Dad!
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