
Sunday, 12 August 2007

Breast or bottle

We mum's are constantly told breast is best. I agree it is the best in most circumstances but it really surprises me how we have a lot of unnecessary pressure on us. I am thoroughly enjoying breastfeeding at present but having had three kids, I am the first to admit that breast feeding is not the easiest thing to get into. Apart from the discomfort of sore breasts, bleeding nipples etc, breastfeeding does mean that you are the sole source of your child's nutrition - this can be a scary thought and can also mean that you have little time out. For those mum's that feel exhausted and need a break a supplement can really help. On the positive side breast feeding can really help to flatten your stomach again (although it is usually accompanied by an insatiable appetite), it is also great not to have to pre-plan journeys and constantly have to sterilise bottles plus it does save us mum's lots of money.

Really each circumstance is different - some mum's thrive on breastfeeding and other's get more tense - really the main thing is for us mum's to do what is best for us and the child. Sometimes adding a bottle can help us to be more relaxed mums and babies easily pick up on our moods.

My husband, presently on holiday - thank goodness - (we have this real estate agency, 'Hamilton Homes' and my husband is a bit of a workaholic) tried to give our baby a top up today whilst I had a chance to go for a swim with my older kids. I really wanted to spend some time with them and this gave me the chance to spend some time with them - something that is hard to do when you are feeding every two hours and burping in between that!!!! As it happened she took only a little and seemed so happy to take the breast when I got back.

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