
Friday, 12 September 2008

Which way do I go?

I woke up this morning feeling confused. What do I do next? We are waiting for results back from Tália's biopsy but apart from that, I feel quite forgotten by the medical world. No one has properly checked Tália here since June and she has not put on weight - surely a 4kg 14 month old should be monitored monthly. So I guess I need some consistency but from where?? Do I use a local general GP or a private pediatrician or do I need to chase the Costa del Sol or should I go back to Materno. I am in limbo and need a plan. Apart from positive and holistic approaches I need some kind of medical support but how to balance so many Drs - well just have one I hear you say!! However the Drs are of different opinions and none have seen her consistently so I don't want to close any doors. I think I need to meditate as I feel like I have cotton wool in my head.

They say that when things are so unclear you should wait for a sign - so hey to you up there, I´m waiting - please send it to me and don´t make it to subtle as my vision is a bit blurred at the moment!

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Tália Appears on Eye on Spain