
Saturday, 28 March 2009

A few more answers

Well, yes I know, I left off on Tuesday talking about d-day and then went quiet. Well the reason for this is that I had to absorb the information myself and it would help if I understood the information but when I heard the result, it was like someone chatting to me in Russian. I just could not get to grips with the science. The Dr was very patient reapeating it a few times but I feel a bit of a bimbo really. I was rushing to collect the kids from school and pulled into Carrefour and spoke to her on the hands free with Tali beside me - not ideal for concentration huh??? But if I didn't catch her then, I didn't know when I would as I had to take my girls to dance classes etc. and I reckoned hands free in the car with one topped three in the car!!!

Anyway I will reveal what I know though its not much as nothing official has been released and until the full report and all results are back (about 3 weeks) I wont be able to scour the report and knuckle down to some serious research!!

Basically, Tali has got Mitochondrial Disease, they has found something in the fibres and they are waiting for some respiratory DNA analysis for formal diagnosis but looks like she has some kind of complex. Exactly what the prognosis is - I still dont know.. I will have to wait till the suspicion is confirmed. The Dr however has seen the video of Tali and says that her progress has been exceptional and very positive so I thank you guys for all your prayers and support.

This week has been a tidal wave - waiting with apprehension for the results to finally getting something but not fully understanding. Should I feel relieved or nervous?? Anyway, it is what it is. Thankfully, Tali has had a better week this week and was better at nursery again - when she was ill last week she was so floppy and despondant that I was terrified.

My physio in San Pedro was so happy with Tali's sturdiness on her feet and Tali lifted herself from a sitting to standing position. So I guess that a diagnosis will give me the opportunity to stop searching and just focus on Tali's develpment. My physio wants her to start horse-riding , I am quite scared of horses but i must admit, it sound quite exciting and a bit adventurous and Tali would love to be outdoors like that.

I will keep you all posted when I get the final result. I just pray for a calm week next week. Apart from Tali's results we have been busy at work. We have a business stand for Hamilton Insurance at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona and it is quite exciting and we launched our new website on Thursday.This was a big deal as it is a project that my Dad was meticulously working on - I just wanted to complete the project - I feel that we have forfilled someting.

The work aspect has been fun and helped me through the initial part of the week when I was waiting for the results but I admit I am pretty tired and could do with a little less drama at the moment!!!!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

D-Day Tomorrow

Well, I guess its time for bed. Here I am just looking at old photos of Talia - I just can't believe how much she has changed. Last few weeks have been tough as she has not been too well and everytime she gets a cold, she becomes floppy and weak. Having said that, she was better today.

I called Barcelona to find out about the muscle biopsy results and they said to call tomorrow to discuss them ... so I'm still in the dark but maybe this time tomorrow I'll know something else....

I just want to say a big thank you to all of you who have written lovely message and for your helpful and informative comments. Maybe someone, somewhere will recognise Talia's symptoms.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow:

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Tália Appears On Eye on Spain

Yesterday Tália made her first appearance on TV. She appeared on Eye on Spain's web television channel, the Siesta Show. Click above to view the show. I am so proud of Tali as she was a real champ and did not cry at all through filming - in fact she seemed to like the camera. For those following Tali's development, you can see my new stimulation room and also the progress in Tália who only months ago could not sit properly and wouldn't make any noises.

Yesterday was also Dad's birthday and Tália's appearance on the show was not planned to be on this particular date - so perhaps he's sending me a sign from above.

My friends Susan and Justin, Eye on Spain have been amazing and have really supported me. By interviewing us I hope that maybe someone, somewhere may recognise the symptoms that Tália has.

Everyone has been so supportive and I just want to thank everybody out there - there are many silent saints who pray constantly for Tália - I firmly believe that all this positive energy and love is making a big difference.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Talia's first week at nursery

Well I have to say its been quite a week. Tália started nursery on Monday. The first day was a mad rush trying to get three kids out the door, breakfasted and in their uniforms. Then there was the car journey - to be honest the thought of leaving her did not make me sad. How could it? My daughter has been given an opportunity to integrate with other babies, will have friends, will have independence - she wont be labelled, she'll just be Tália.

Actually the truth is that I did shed a tear but for completely different reasons - firstly I really would have loved Dad to have seen her in her uniform - I know it would made him so happy. I had spoken to him about Talia starting nursery befor he passed away and he was excited. He has also always helped with school runs that I could just picture him and mum as proud grandparents picking her up. But als I know in my heart that he is watching from above but Idid miss his physical presence and I guess each milestone will be like that fo r some time.

Anyway Talia just seems another child - extremely happy and so settled in her nursery. The teachers are incredible -young and loving and so excited to have Tali, so keen to help her, so full of zest. And they are not scared - they are happy to let her try everything, they do not treat her like a China Doll. They treat her like a normal kid and it makes me so happy to see because she responds so well to that.

Talia did her first picture yesterday and it was a stamp of her footprint - her first picture ever!!! I was so proud. My baby is a budding artist!

The staff at the nursery are so keen to learn, so excited to be part of helping Talia and Talia's physio, Ana is going to go and chat to them and show them how to manage Talia. What a kind team - we are truely lucky to have these people around us.

Tália Appears on Eye on Spain