Well, unfortunately Tália has been coughing all night. Oh no! The sudden cold weather has not helped. So now I'm thinking what do I do? Do I give her medication or do I go the natural route. I prefer natural but I don't want the medication going to her chest and at times prevention is better than cure. However after searching CaLCOUGH Tickly (the medicine I have at home for 3months+), online, I don't get much info and have found out that Calcough Chesty (different but same company) was taken off supermarket shelves so I am not going to risk it. I have looked up individual ingredients and it seems ok but it just makes me nervous. So I guess its echinecea, fresh fruit and ginger and some honey, lots of relaxing music and chants and a cosy warm home.
Well at least it means a day in for me - a day to be able to both work with Tália here but also to catch up on my research. I am doing lots of research at present. I have decided that we do need to do a muscle biopsy - everywhere I look and read, the signs are there. I think I'm going to be knocked over backwards with the signs soon so I guess I don't really have a choice.
I am fed up of no diagnosis and waiting - I need to be more proactive and now I am going to try all different kinds of things. I know her best and I need to trust my instincts. I am reading a fantastic book by Jenny McCarthy entitled 'Mother Warriors' and in one of the chapters one of the mum's ( Michelle Woods) says,
'You have to be able to have enough hope and to believe in yourself enough to combat that and go home at the end of the day and say, Ï know I am Right.¨ You have to be strong to look at them and say, Ï know my child better than anybody else and I will be able to heal this child¨. You have to be able to stand up to criticism. Anybody who's ever done anything great has had to do that. I think that a lot of us who have healed our kids know that you have to put up with a lot of crap to be able to do it'.
What a woman - and she has healed her child! It is true what she says - we need to be able to stand up to people - what you think is best does not necessarily coincide with what your pediatrician thinks is best. Each human being is different - we are all different shapes and sizes - how can one cure fit all? I am piecing together the jigsaw and I refuse to let anyone stop me. Time to move.
Tália is three years old and weighs only 8.5 kilos and measures 80cm. We do not yet have a diagnosis, although we suspect she has mitochondrial disease. I started this blog whilst pregnant with Tália and on bedrest. Here I share my inner feelings, our journeys, the tests, the mysteries and miracles that face us everyday.
Friday, 31 October 2008
Monday, 27 October 2008
Daddy's Girl
Well just when I think that its all onwards and upwards, there's a kink in the road. My father has looked under the weather for a while and I have been worried about him but I guess that since mum's been away he has kept up a brave face so that not to worry me. Mum arrived last Thursday and to be honest I felt a huge wave of relief to know that she would be there with Dad. I have spent some time with Dad but I am his little girl and I find that instead of looking after him, he just looks after me - he goes to the supermarket t buy special food, he comes with me to collect my girls, he refuses to let me pamper him.
However as we headed to Malaga airport to pick mum up, he looked greyer and generally unwell and at that point I knew that he had kept going and now felt able to let his guard down. Sure enough that evening, we rushed him to hospital.
Its been a tough week - seeing my Dad, for he is the perfect Dad to me in hospital. He is just right by my side with Tali, so actively involved with my life and I just want him to be well. The Dr's have performed tests and we have still to wait for the results so I can't say much at present. He is unable to leave hospital until his cough goes - he has an awful cough but we are hoping that that is just due to a chronic bronchitis.
Unfortunately he was rushed into hospital on the eve of my daughter's birthday which he didn't want as he wanted to go in after her birthday. Thankfully he did go in though because he did need medical help. This weekend of birthday plans has been the perfect distraction for my kids but extremely hard for me to try and stay with it, together and exuding joy and happiness. But we did and the girls had a great time - a big sleepover and a trip to McDonald's coupled with watching High School Musical in La Cañada.
Yesterday I felt a huge relief as I went to the hospital and my Dad looked much better - so much more colour in his face and chatting more. He still can't leave but that's cos his cough is still bad but hopefully he'll be out soon. Mum has been by his side at hospital - literally she stepped off the plane and into the hospital. The test results will be out soon but I remain positive - I spent 3 months waiting for Tali's test and despite Dr's thinking the worst, they have confirmed that she does not have Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency. So worrying about results prior to their release seems ludicrous.
However as we headed to Malaga airport to pick mum up, he looked greyer and generally unwell and at that point I knew that he had kept going and now felt able to let his guard down. Sure enough that evening, we rushed him to hospital.
Its been a tough week - seeing my Dad, for he is the perfect Dad to me in hospital. He is just right by my side with Tali, so actively involved with my life and I just want him to be well. The Dr's have performed tests and we have still to wait for the results so I can't say much at present. He is unable to leave hospital until his cough goes - he has an awful cough but we are hoping that that is just due to a chronic bronchitis.
Unfortunately he was rushed into hospital on the eve of my daughter's birthday which he didn't want as he wanted to go in after her birthday. Thankfully he did go in though because he did need medical help. This weekend of birthday plans has been the perfect distraction for my kids but extremely hard for me to try and stay with it, together and exuding joy and happiness. But we did and the girls had a great time - a big sleepover and a trip to McDonald's coupled with watching High School Musical in La Cañada.
Yesterday I felt a huge relief as I went to the hospital and my Dad looked much better - so much more colour in his face and chatting more. He still can't leave but that's cos his cough is still bad but hopefully he'll be out soon. Mum has been by his side at hospital - literally she stepped off the plane and into the hospital. The test results will be out soon but I remain positive - I spent 3 months waiting for Tali's test and despite Dr's thinking the worst, they have confirmed that she does not have Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency. So worrying about results prior to their release seems ludicrous.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Mum's and Toddler Group in Estepona
Well, this has been a great week. After the long weekend, I decided to find a toddler group in the area and sure enough I found one. On Tuesday, after physio and speech, I made my way to Kidz Kingdom to check out the group there and guess what?? It was perfect. Talia loved being surrounded by lots of happy babies and was inspired. She clapped and moved to the sing song, sat on the trampoline as I bounced her, played in the pool of balls and enjoyed a lunch of cheese and toast with other toddlers. For once I felt that she could be the free child she is inside - she thrived in the environment, keen to try to stand and crawl. I felt quite emotional really to see her with her own age group. We moved a notch up on Tuesday, I felt it in my heart. Talia can make some friends. Yes, true when you look at others her age the height and weight comparison is astounding and her weakness is exaggerated but it gives ger a goal, it gives her something to strive for. I, too felt inspired. I have a bee in my bonnet - I can see her walking by Christmas. Whilst many think its over ambitious I don't care - I like short-term goals, they help me and Talia. So lets see what happens????????
Monday, 13 October 2008
Groundhog Day
Well it has been a wonderful weekend as I explained previously but certain elements of it have reminded me of Groundhog day. The kitchen was a rather familiar settting and the day started with me emptying the dishwasher, At lunchtime I refilled it again and at supper time, emptied and refilled it again. I said to my husband, wow doesn't this feel like Groundhog day - just as I tidy and clean the kitchen, it all starts again and again - seems crazy really.
Relaxing evening on the net looking and getting ideas for my daughter's birthday present - amazon is my saviour with gift ideas. She loves Hannah Montana. so perhaps the DS game, then again she would love a pet but I REFUSE to have one. But perhaps a fake one???? That's when I found it, the GUPI, an interactive pet which follows you, responds to love and kindness, can walk around, even up an down steps (I think???) and needs to be fed from time to time - sounds so close to the real thing, I mean why would anyone want a real pet if they can have a GUPI. But despite all these things, can it make a cup of tea?? Can it read my girls a bedtime story???
Interestingly enough I also saw the iteddy - interesting toy - captured my attention as I have been reading Dragon's Den and this is one of the products that two of the dragons invested in.
Anyway still deciding what to go for - a GUPI or a metallic modelling kit from imaginarium with real motors?????
Really not sure.........
Any ideas??
Relaxing evening on the net looking and getting ideas for my daughter's birthday present - amazon is my saviour with gift ideas. She loves Hannah Montana. so perhaps the DS game, then again she would love a pet but I REFUSE to have one. But perhaps a fake one???? That's when I found it, the GUPI, an interactive pet which follows you, responds to love and kindness, can walk around, even up an down steps (I think???) and needs to be fed from time to time - sounds so close to the real thing, I mean why would anyone want a real pet if they can have a GUPI. But despite all these things, can it make a cup of tea?? Can it read my girls a bedtime story???
Interestingly enough I also saw the iteddy - interesting toy - captured my attention as I have been reading Dragon's Den and this is one of the products that two of the dragons invested in.
Anyway still deciding what to go for - a GUPI or a metallic modelling kit from imaginarium with real motors?????
Really not sure.........
Any ideas??
Fun, Games and Monopoly
Well that was a much needed long weekend. It is incredible how quickly the sea changes - after the stormy shots of the sea, all seems calm again and the high winds have gone just as quickly as they came. I have just had a good break - well as much as one can have with 3 kids!!! We had a cosy afternoon yesterday and played Monopoly late into the night. the girls loved the game and my husband, jammy as ever managed to bankrupt us all and own most of the board - although had there been a credit crunch in the game, he may not have survived!!!! Anyway it was great fun and pretty educational for the girls who learned about money, building properties and mortgage - not a bad start to life ehh?!!
Also had some time to do some thinking - I think its time to integrate Tália into society. Perhaps join a toddler group and get her to have some friends of her age - not just rush her in and out of physio all the time. Mixing with other kids may be tough as she can't run around but it may give her the enthusiasm and drive to try to walk. Her sisters are great but she now needs a social life of her own - birthday parties etc. We are always working on physio, speech, movement - now its time to do some normal things too!!!
Also had some time to do some thinking - I think its time to integrate Tália into society. Perhaps join a toddler group and get her to have some friends of her age - not just rush her in and out of physio all the time. Mixing with other kids may be tough as she can't run around but it may give her the enthusiasm and drive to try to walk. Her sisters are great but she now needs a social life of her own - birthday parties etc. We are always working on physio, speech, movement - now its time to do some normal things too!!!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Costa del Sol on Orange Alert
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Charged with Energy
Yesterday we went to see Amyn Dahya and his wonderful wife, Karima again. He said that although Tália had had a bad month in terms of her cold virus etc, that overall he saw an improvement in her. She has been looking better again, thank God. Amyn did a meditation and gave us some holy water. I left his place feeling positive.
Today Tália has had a good day so far. She had physio this morning and speech therapy. I tried not to get involved today - I sat in the room and watched but did not do much. Normally I interact a lot with Tália throughout physio; I sing songs, tell stories and feel a little like a juke box!! As of late though we have noticed that she plays up when I'm around, constantly moaning to me or looking for approval. By staying back a bit, she was better able to focus. So actually, it was very relaxing to take a back seat and watch the whole session from afar.
Back at home, Tália has been playing with her Xylophone and bouncing around with her aunty Susan and then at about 3ish she finally decided it was time for a snooze. I can hear her waking up now so I guess its time to sign off!
Today Tália has had a good day so far. She had physio this morning and speech therapy. I tried not to get involved today - I sat in the room and watched but did not do much. Normally I interact a lot with Tália throughout physio; I sing songs, tell stories and feel a little like a juke box!! As of late though we have noticed that she plays up when I'm around, constantly moaning to me or looking for approval. By staying back a bit, she was better able to focus. So actually, it was very relaxing to take a back seat and watch the whole session from afar.
Back at home, Tália has been playing with her Xylophone and bouncing around with her aunty Susan and then at about 3ish she finally decided it was time for a snooze. I can hear her waking up now so I guess its time to sign off!
Monday, 6 October 2008
Play Time for Tália
Yesterday I really noticed that the more we treat Tália like a Toddler the better. It is easy to baby her - after all she weighs the same as a newborn and measures the same as a 6th month old baby. However she is 15 months old.
So the time has come - this week I am going to potty train her - using a doll's potty - she falls through a normal one. Also I have noticed that when left playing independently, she touches more things and makes more of an effort to move.
Last night we had her sitting in her donnut for a while playing. She really had to fight to keep herself up but she did it and she played. This kind of play is so good for her. Sometimes its hard though because she gets so exhausted just pulling herself forward to get a toy - something so easily achieved for a normal child. But we need to be tough and push her a little as she'll easily sit back and rest if not pushed.
Tivoli, here we come!
Its been a fun filled weekend - we took our two eldest girls to Tivoli World (Arroyo de la Miel, Benalmadena) with a couple of close friends, to celebrate our middle daughter's 6th Birthday, and they had a ball. I had a ball too. Many of the rides require an adult to accompany a child and some of the adults we were with really didn't like rides so I got more than my fair share - I love the exhilaration and buzz. I'm not as brave as I used to be and was pretty terrified going down the thunder mountain roller coaster but dare I admit it was thrilling! I loved screaming with my girls and singing up in the air - I felt like I could let my hair down. And by the end of the day, I had that comfy sleepy and worn out feeling.
A word of advice to anyone going to Tivoli - it is definitely worth buying the main entrance ticket (6 euros) and a Supertivolini (12 Euros) - the supertivolini lets you go on most rides an unlimited number of times - there are a few that you need to pay extra for. It is also worth getting a Supertivolini for any adult that is going to accompany a child on the rides as paying as you go works out much more expensive - believe me we learnt the hard way and after a few rides we decided toinvest in some supertivolinis.
After Tivoli, we stayed at mum's and Dad's so that our daughter could wake up on her actual birthday (Sunday 5th October) to see her grandparents too. So on Sunday morning we all had breakfast together, gathered around my parents living room and opened presents. Our daughter was shocked - between us we bought her a Nintendo DS - I had told her she wouldn't get one until she was 7 so it was a real surprise and she immediately fell in love with it.
After a cosy Chinese meal, we set off back home and the girls got to play with the neighbours. All in all a wonderful celebration!
A word of advice to anyone going to Tivoli - it is definitely worth buying the main entrance ticket (6 euros) and a Supertivolini (12 Euros) - the supertivolini lets you go on most rides an unlimited number of times - there are a few that you need to pay extra for. It is also worth getting a Supertivolini for any adult that is going to accompany a child on the rides as paying as you go works out much more expensive - believe me we learnt the hard way and after a few rides we decided toinvest in some supertivolinis.
After Tivoli, we stayed at mum's and Dad's so that our daughter could wake up on her actual birthday (Sunday 5th October) to see her grandparents too. So on Sunday morning we all had breakfast together, gathered around my parents living room and opened presents. Our daughter was shocked - between us we bought her a Nintendo DS - I had told her she wouldn't get one until she was 7 so it was a real surprise and she immediately fell in love with it.
After a cosy Chinese meal, we set off back home and the girls got to play with the neighbours. All in all a wonderful celebration!
Friday, 3 October 2008
A Lovely Birthday
Well yep that's right - it has been my birthday this week and despite the rocky road with Dr's etc, its been a nice week. Birthday celebrations started early - after all if you can't enjoy now, when can you?? On Friday, Susan and her family came round for supper. We had a lovely evening - Susan and I cooked a big pot of Chilli and to make it even more of a Mexican Night, I tried my hand at delicious Margaritas! Then mum and Dad invited us to a hotel near Gaucin for Saturday night to jointly celebrate my birthday and their anniversary. The night away was just what the doctor ordered - lately all trips have been formed around trips to see Dr's - it was so nice to get away for pure enjoyment and not have to take any medical records with us. The girls just loved it - the mountain air worked a treat for all of us and even Tali looked all the better for it.
The biggest birthday present was that when I awoke on Tuesday morning, not only did the sun appear after torrential rain but Tália was able to return back to physio after a long time. It was great to see the physio again - she is fantastic with Tália and really loves her. It was just fab to get back into some kind of routine and structure. Seeing Tália getting her strength back was so good.
And the day did not end there....my husband surprised me to a dinner out with him. I thought we were going to get a take away only to find my in-laws hiding downstairs ready to look after the kids so that we could have some 'time out'.
So good birthday week overall. Now time to prepare for Birthday No. 2 - it is my middle daughter's b-day on Sunday so its going to be another week of celebrations!!
The biggest birthday present was that when I awoke on Tuesday morning, not only did the sun appear after torrential rain but Tália was able to return back to physio after a long time. It was great to see the physio again - she is fantastic with Tália and really loves her. It was just fab to get back into some kind of routine and structure. Seeing Tália getting her strength back was so good.
And the day did not end there....my husband surprised me to a dinner out with him. I thought we were going to get a take away only to find my in-laws hiding downstairs ready to look after the kids so that we could have some 'time out'.
So good birthday week overall. Now time to prepare for Birthday No. 2 - it is my middle daughter's b-day on Sunday so its going to be another week of celebrations!!
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