
Monday, 6 October 2008

Play Time for Tália

Yesterday I really noticed that the more we treat Tália like a Toddler the better. It is easy to baby her - after all she weighs the same as a newborn and measures the same as a 6th month old baby. However she is 15 months old.

So the time has come - this week I am going to potty train her - using a doll's potty - she falls through a normal one. Also I have noticed that when left playing independently, she touches more things and makes more of an effort to move.

Last night we had her sitting in her donnut for a while playing. She really had to fight to keep herself up but she did it and she played. This kind of play is so good for her. Sometimes its hard though because she gets so exhausted just pulling herself forward to get a toy - something so easily achieved for a normal child. But we need to be tough and push her a little as she'll easily sit back and rest if not pushed.

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