
Friday, 31 October 2008

Which cough treatment?

Well, unfortunately Tália has been coughing all night. Oh no! The sudden cold weather has not helped. So now I'm thinking what do I do? Do I give her medication or do I go the natural route. I prefer natural but I don't want the medication going to her chest and at times prevention is better than cure. However after searching CaLCOUGH Tickly (the medicine I have at home for 3months+), online, I don't get much info and have found out that Calcough Chesty (different but same company) was taken off supermarket shelves so I am not going to risk it. I have looked up individual ingredients and it seems ok but it just makes me nervous. So I guess its echinecea, fresh fruit and ginger and some honey, lots of relaxing music and chants and a cosy warm home.

Well at least it means a day in for me - a day to be able to both work with Tália here but also to catch up on my research. I am doing lots of research at present. I have decided that we do need to do a muscle biopsy - everywhere I look and read, the signs are there. I think I'm going to be knocked over backwards with the signs soon so I guess I don't really have a choice.

I am fed up of no diagnosis and waiting - I need to be more proactive and now I am going to try all different kinds of things. I know her best and I need to trust my instincts. I am reading a fantastic book by Jenny McCarthy entitled 'Mother Warriors' and in one of the chapters one of the mum's ( Michelle Woods) says,

'You have to be able to have enough hope and to believe in yourself enough to combat that and go home at the end of the day and say, Ï know I am Right.¨ You have to be strong to look at them and say, Ï know my child better than anybody else and I will be able to heal this child¨. You have to be able to stand up to criticism. Anybody who's ever done anything great has had to do that. I think that a lot of us who have healed our kids know that you have to put up with a lot of crap to be able to do it'.

What a woman - and she has healed her child! It is true what she says - we need to be able to stand up to people - what you think is best does not necessarily coincide with what your pediatrician thinks is best. Each human being is different - we are all different shapes and sizes - how can one cure fit all? I am piecing together the jigsaw and I refuse to let anyone stop me. Time to move.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw your post on my friend's thread on EOS about the twins & I looked at your blog.

I wish Talia well, she's so beautiful.


Tália Appears on Eye on Spain