
Sunday, 10 February 2008

More Blood Tests

We saw the endocrinologist who on seeing Talia confirmed that she had weak muscle tone but explained that from what he had been told that he had expected her to be worse. She was having a good day on that visit. He really did not think she had hypothyroidism as she just did not fit the stereo-type. I asked for advice on feeding. He recommended that I stop cereal feeds and go back to just breast. He claimed that the quantity of cereal she was getting was insignificant and that she would gain more weight from the breast. I was confused by this - I know breast is best but if she wasn't putting on weight I wanted a magic formula or vitamin - I wanted something fattening. I felt like my milk really wasn't right.

The Dr claimed that he really did not know what Talia had and that his own gut led him to believe that she had some kind of metabolic illness so he wanted to run some more blood tests to check this out. He claimed that there were at least 200 metabolic illnesses and many that existed that had still not been founded or defined so in not so many words he told me to be patient as we may never find out what she is suffering from. Patience - my foot!! tell a mum with a newborn that is not thriving to have patience - something all Drs love to say but something that a mum finds hard to deal with.

So yet aagain more bloodtests were scheduled. At first they let me in with Talia but then the nurses (after asking me to hold her while they pricked her) then told me I should leave the room as they could not work with me around. I was baffled as 2 minutes prior they had asked me for help!! They were a little offish and I found this sad as when you see a mum and child - surely empathy would teach you to treat the family with tact but I found the staff very cold. Despite the latter they were formal and did take the blood and carry out the job professionally so I guess that´s all that matters.

The lDr said he would call when he had the results.

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