
Tuesday 12 February 2008

Talia loses weight

Well, here I am at home with baby Talia on my lap. We have been out all morning - first at Aprona where she did vey well and manged to grab a rattle with both hands whilst balancing on a huge red exercise ball, then we went to see my eldest daughter´s teacher who was very happy with her progress and finally we went to the chemist to weight Talia. I walked in with my sister-in-law - a number of the pharmacists came out to watch Talia being weighed. She was wearing the same as last week - pink trousers with tights underneath, a vest and a long sleeved top. However my heart fell as I saw the reading on the scales - her wait was 4.43 - she has lost 20grams - how on earth can that be when she' eaten well and I've been adding Maxijul to her food.

So before continuing with our story from where I last left off - I needed to get the weight thing off my chest. Thankfully we are off to the UK next week to get another opinion.

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