
Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Baby Talia

Well its been a while since I last posted in my blog and that´s cos its been quite a tough time for me. As you will know if you have read this blog, I was on bed rest cos Talia wasn´t growing within my womb. I don´t know what went wrong but it seems to have all started at 26 weeks when I was on holiday in HK and bled substantially - since then baby´s size and rate of growth was a problem. All seemed more or less ok for the first 6 weeks of Talia´s life - she was putting on weight and appeared to be thriving, but then she started to miss key developmental milestones and since then I have been trying hard to find out what she has and how I can help her.

She is a beautiful, gorgeous baby but at 7 months she only weighs 4.45 kilos (with clothes on!). She eats and sleeps but does not grow.

I am going to go back and post what has been happening, the research I have done and the doctors I have seen in the hope that women in a similar position in Spain can hopefully learn about the system etc through this blog. I also hope that anyone reading this who recognises signs or symptoms can contact me or comment and help me to help my darling Talia.

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Tália Appears on Eye on Spain