
Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Projectile Vomiting -Reflux

In the first 8 weeks of her life, Talia put on weight ( between 150-200grams a week). We were all so happy with her progress although she started projectile vomiting - I would feed her a breast and she basically would never stop until I stopped her. I would have to hold her up for hours until finally I could lay her flat. If I let her feed for too long, she would immediately projectile vomit andt the amount coming out of her was alarming. My back was in agony as I would fall asleep propped up on pillows just to keep baby Talia at an angle so that she wouldn't throw up - but as long as she was well and growing, I didn't mind. My paediatrician diagnosed her as having reflux which is fairly common in newborns so I didn't worry. However when on week 9 Talia lost weight, I started to worry - and from then on it has been a real battle. Whilst the vomiting ceased at 3 months, the weight is still a problem.

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