Yesterday was an amazing day. We went to see a well known author and healer in
Malaga. The way the appointment worked out was just amazing; the universe works in mysterious ways.
Amyn Dahya an
d his wife
Karima were
truly warm and welcoming and filled with love. I was so lucky and privileged to be able to meet them.
Amyn saw
Tália and conducted a healing session with her. His first instinct on seeing her was that she was not a child with a grave illness but just lagging behind in her inner cell formation. He felt that we would be able to help her on this path by transferring energy to her via meditation and using holy water. We all (Mum, Dad,
Amyn and
Karima) meditated over
Tália and some water for a few minutes. In this meditation, we visualised her healing (
Amyn explains this whole process of self-healing in his
Amyn asked us to use any affirmation we were comfortable with - anything we saw a s a source of life, albeit a religious figure or something more abstract such as nature or light. The important thing was that we had to use what we believed in, what we had faith in. In that room we all visualized different forms of this energy. The beauty of
Amyn's method was that it was balanced, based on individual beliefs - you are not required to fit into ´somebody e
lse's shoes', - healing is based on your innermost belief system and love. I mean even within our family, we all have different things that inspire us and different views of the source of life.
I felt very comfortable in this meditation as it is very much how my mother works too when
counselling her patients (see her
website). Also my belief system is that of ´Truth is one, paths are Many' ( a line taken from our late guru,
Sri Swami
Satchidananda) - and this same system was depicted in
Amyn's work. In addition to this
Amyn also gave us a special fruit and vegetable juice diet to aid
Tália's cells to form and function - he has a copy of these juices on his website under his self-healing section. He also told me to keep a balance and to use both medical and healing together. I liked this balance. He also told me not afraid to use
echinecea and to watch out for infection.
So now everyday I am giving
Tália the holy (or
magic as my girl's would put it) water. As for meditation - well I'm not brilliant at focusing so I focus on light and energy, repeat a mantra but also use my mum's deep relaxation CD,
Flow with Deep Relaxation, to visualise the healing. She uses a white light to show healing and this imagery really works for me. We have been using this CD to relax
Tália a lot - when her teeth hurt, when she had her lumber puncture and was in excruciating pain, when she is restless. The CD also helps my girls, my eldest in particular - it helps her to calm down before bed time - since she was a baby she's hated sleeping and has had night terrors, the CD helps her to sleep through the night. The whole process is also very healing for me as it helps to focus on healing and not destruction. One Dr here said to me, 'Your daughter is going to probably get worse and her illness will progress, so you need to deal with it and start changing your life'. The latter I saw as negative, particularly as we have no diagnosis yet. Regardless of what ´
Táli has, one thing is for sure, our
temperament, our energy and our moods definitely affect her so it is in her best interest to focus on the light.
Amyn and
Karima felt like old friends - they did not charge us a penny - the do not charge for this type of work, they have a separate business to fund their living. We left their place with so much more than we entered, far richer than before - apart from an abundance of love, their generosity was over and above anything one could expect - they showered us with books and agreed to help support mum and work with her on
projects.These acts of
kindness, humanity and love just show what humans are capable of. This kind of giving I have only seen from my mum and late grandfather, George
Harilela, and here it was, that same spark from these incredible human beings.
These experiences show me how much people can make a difference and how they can change our lives. When watching nothing but bad news everyday, we lose these glistening beams of light. Amazing Really!